Solving Problems, Driving Innovation

Consumer and industrial system solutions for every need.

Who I am

Professional in sensor development
specialized on acoustic systems.

Subject-matter expert in
Sensor development
System Design

Knowledge management and strategic planning
Knowledge Transfer
Decision briefing
Requirement Engineering

Software, knowledge level expert or advanced

In the past, I worked for
academia, startups and global corporations


Bosch Sensortec GmbH

System and MEMS Design in product development for MEMS Microspeakers

Arioso Systems GmbH

Key early employee at a deep-tech startup with successful exit to Bosch Sensortec.
Bringing MEMS Microspeaker to life with a versatile field of tasks.

SICK Sensor Intelligence

Acoustic design of ultrasonic flow sensors, software development for 3D image detection (in Sweden), development of new fields

University of Technology Dresden

Post doc position at chair for acoustics and haptics: Research on sound emissions of electrical motors

red-ant GmbH

Application engineer: Acoustic early failure detection and end of line testing in a international active company

Dr.-Ing. Fraunhofer IPMS/ University of Technology Dresden

PhD thesis on acoustic simulation and characterization of micromachined ultrasonic transcuders (CMUT)

M.Sc. University of Technology Dresden

Master of Science, Electrical engineering, focussing on acoustics.
Master thesis on acoustic emission of train wheels

Fraunhofer IWU

Performing a variety of acoustic measurements
(Transfer path analysis, 3D vibrometry, modal analyis, ...)

B.Sc. University of Applied Sciences Mittweida

Bachelor of Science, Applied Physics, focussing on acoustics.
Bachelor thesis on reproduction of tire-road interaction noise on a shaker test stand for cars

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Some nice things people say about me

SICK Engineering GmbH
He has the ability to quickly grasp and analyze complex and difficult issues and to identify and develop practicable solutions to problems. Because of this, we gladly entrusted him with complex topics that included both interdisciplinary areas and new technologies.
red-ant GmbH
Markus has extremely comprehensive and excellent specialist knowledge, which he always uses very confidently and successfully to accomplish his tasks. He tackled difficult tasks with great verve and always found sensible and practicable solutions. The quality of his work results always met the highest standards.
Fraunhofer IPMS
Head of Sensor and Actuator Systems
Due to his precise analytical skills and his very quick comprehension, he always found excellent solutions, which he consistently and successfully put into practice. He was always extremely efficient, even in situations of the highest psychological strain and extreme stress. His constructive and convincing working style made him a valued discussion and negotiation partner.
Fraunhofer IWU
Head of Adaptronics and Acoustics
Markus always performed his tasks with the utmost care and accuracy. The quality of his work results always met the highest standards. Markus was able to familiarize himself quickly and successfully with new problems at any time due to his very good comprehension skills.

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